Gorham Psychotherapy
Online therapy (also known as video counseling, e-therapy, or telehealth) works much the same as traditional, in-office, except the sessions are conducted via an easy-to-use, secure video chat. That means, rather than driving to an office for scheduled sessions, you’ll log in to our HIPAA compliant video platform and you’ll meet with your therapist at your scheduled appointment time on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.
Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) prohibits the unlawful disclosure of information without written permission to do so. Information shared between a therapist and client is protected information.
Exceptions to this that must be reported to appropriate agencies include:
Suspected child, dependent adult, or elder abuse
Threatening harm to another person
Threats of self-harm; we will make every effort to enlist their cooperation in order to ensure their safety. If we are unable to do so additional measures can and will be taken.
Other exceptions apply based on individual situations